There have been...

Sunday, 12 October 2014

The vampire diaries

Okay so this post shall be the successful TV series and not the book series. I am a fan of the show. I must admit I didn't know what it was until the Facebook app got me sucked in. With the app I wanted to know the reason behind it so I brought season 1 on DVD. I liked it. The first episode of any new show is getting to know the characters. I loved them all they all have their likeability. Elena, Bonnie and Caroline are the best of friends and I like how they are always there to help their friends, no matter what. So far (at this moment in time I'm up to season 4) the story line has been amazing. And there have been some unthought of  story lines like  werewolf vampire breeds. I also like that they have done double gängers and looking for a cure for the vampire curse.

I love the actors and actresses in the show. Some are known and some are unknown. But I think it's a great cast and they all connect really well. I feel that they are always trying for their fans of the show and even of the fans of the book series. It's a great cast and I couldn't imagen anyone else playing those parts.

This show I would recommend to any vampire loving people. Sorry there are no sparkling vampires named Edward. Although in an episode there is a mention of twilight.  But you'll have to watch it to find out the episode. Then keep on watching because you will find out more and I hope you'll think the TV show is great

Tell me, who is your fave character?? or actor?? What you liked about it or didn't. I would love to know what you guys think of the show.



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